欢迎来到 Autofac 中文文档!¶
Autofac 是一款超赞的.NET IoC 容器 . 它管理类之间的依赖关系, 从而使 应用在规模及复杂性增长的情况下依然可以轻易地修改 . 它的实现方式是将常规的.net类当做 组件 处理.
- 入门
- 更新
- 注册组件
- 解析服务
- 生命周期
- 配置
- 集成
- 最佳实践
- 高级
- Registration Sources
- Adapters and Decorators
- Circular Dependencies
- Component Metadata / Attribute Metadata
- Named and Keyed Services
- Delegate Factories
- Owned Instances
- Handling Concurrency
- Multitenant Applications
- Aggregate Services
- Type Interceptors
- Cross-Platform and Native Applications
- Debugging and Troubleshooting
- 示例
- 问答
- How do I work with per-request lifetime scope?
- How do I pick a service implementation by context?
- How do I create a session-based lifetime scope in a web application?
- Why aren’t my assemblies getting scanned after IIS restart?
- How do I conditionally register components?
- How do I share component registrations across application types?
- How do I keep Autofac references isolated away from my app?
- Why are “old versions” of the framework (e.g., System.Core referenced?
- Why don’t all Autofac packages target the latest Autofac core?
- How do I inject configuration, environment, or context parameters?
- How do I pass a parameter to a component in the middle of a resolve chain?
- Why isn’t container registration analysis built in?
- Why are things in my Xamarin app misbehaving?
- 术语
- 贡献者
- 支持
- API 文档
- 所有者